Page 11 - MARCAGRAFiC BiC Graphic
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Pioneering products whose original designs-
                                                                 intact and still current today -have triggered a
                                                                 cult following across the decades. BIC  Cristal  is
                                                                 part of the Architecture and Design Department’s
                                                                 permanent collection at the MoMA (Museum of
                                                                 Modern Art) in New York City. In 2005, BIC ’s Maxi
                            ORIGINAL DESIGN                      lighter joined it. And both products, together with
                                                                 the original one-piece, single-blade BIC  shaver, also
                                                                 entered the permanent collections of the National
                                                                 Modern Art Museum, Centre Georges Pompidou,
                                                                 in Paris in 2006.

                             A brand linked
                                to design

                                 A R T S                                  M A N U F A C T U R I N G

                BIC ART C OLLECTION                              MADE B Y BIC
                Consisting of more than 250 works by             What's the secret to the universal quality and
                internationally recognized or upcoming artists   safety of BIC  products? They are designed,
                from all over the world, works of the BIC Art    manufactured and tested in-house, with
                Collection all share a common theme: they        proprietary molds and machinery developed
                have been created with or inspired by BIC        by BIC in its 26 factories. The original
                products! The BIC Art Collection made its        manufacturing processes evolve behind
                public debut in CENTQUATRE-PARIS (France)        the scenes thanks to BIC engineers and
                in Spring 2018. BIC's connection to the arts     are  mastered by dedicated teams.
                has no borders. Young artists all over the world
                craft pieces using or inspired by BIC  products.

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